About Me (like the rest of this web site, this page is still in process of being tweaked!)
(Biographical information on Justyn Sweany Wolf and the development and history of Art Rains)My name is Justyn Lyn Wolf. My maiden name is Sweany. Because of the IMMENSE art gift on my family, I always use my maiden name when I am wearing my "artist hat" to honor that gift.
I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana, with my parents and 3 sisters. My childhood home was a gallery, a stage, an art room, and gourmet "restaurant". There was so constanly something creative going on in our home.
I've always had an interest in expressing myself creatively. This apparently is in my genes as a result of having parents who are world class artists.
Even though I was immersed in art, I never felt "called" in that direction. Instead, I went to Purdue University (in West Lafayette, Indiana) and got a degree in Geochemistry. This is where I met my husband, Kenneth. We've been married now for 33 years. We and our 4 grown children and 5 grandchildren live in Rochester, NY.
Even though I focused academically on math and science, I never ceased dabbling in creative "crafts". My 3 sisters, however, actively pursued fine arts education and/or careers. I just didn't see myself as "the artist" the way the rest of my family were artists.
It wasn't until my children were adults, in the early 2000's, that I recognized the latent fine art talent within me that had waitied so patiently to be discovered.
It started with clay sculpting.
["Fox Puppies"- by
Justyn Sweany Wolf.
First sculpture
as an adult.]
Then, "Oh, my! I can oil paint!"
Oil Painting by Justyn Sweany Wolf.
My second oil painting-ever]
I believe each person has an inherent creative ability, whether in fine art, music, wood working, gardening, engineering, sewing, dancing, writing, baking, healing arts, etc! After all, we were created in the image of a "Creator"! So it only makes sense that we would each possess a unique way of expressing our creative gifts. I hope you are enjoying and expressing yours!
[detail of Windows Collage by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains]
After delighting in the discovery that I could paint, my mother introduced me to collaging.
That was a blast!
We'd go to the recycling center and dig magazines out of the bins.
Then we would spend hours cutting out pictures and making our fun creations.
[Detail of my first collage:
"Windows" by Justyn Sweany Wolf]
When I became ill with mercury poisoning in 2002 and then a few years later, thyroid cancer, I was unable to sit at an easel, or table, or spread magazines out over the floor.
So, from my bed on the couch, I started using my computer to make collages from my digital photos (still using simple point and shoot camera without fancy lenses).
My loving husband took care of the technical hookup arrangements for that project. (Thank you, honey!)
Photo collage by Justyn Sweany Wolf - Art Rains
[Photography collage.
Digital Photographs taken
by Justyn Sweany Wolf.]
Golden Haze on Waters- from Barge Canal, Rochester, NY - Photograph by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains
When I was strong enough to venture out in the wheel chair, my husband would take me for photo "strolls" along the Barge Canal in Rochester, NY (a branch off of the old Erie Canal.)
I had long recognized my skill at taking awesome photographs even with a very basic, simple “instamatic” camera.
I just had “the eye” for composition, subject, lighting, texture, etc.
(I tell ya, it's in the genes! Everyone in my family is an awesome photographer!)
< ["There's a Bright Golden Haze on the Waters"- Photograph taken along the Barge Canal, Rochester, NY, by Justyn Sweany Wolf using simple point and shoot camera.]
I recently acquired my first SLR digital camera, and I am slowly (can I say VERY slowly?) learning how to use its many features.
[Lake Ontario- people on rock- photography by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains Justyn Sweany Wolf with SLR camera (at Lake Ontario)]
[Photograph by Justyn Sweany Wolf - Lake Ontario- "People on a Rock".]
[Justyn Sweany Wolf- Loving my new SLS camera
on the beach at Lake Ontario]
Oh the excitement of learning the tricks and features my SLR offers. I expect my photography to blossom even more!
I use a photography manipulating program on the computer to crop and edit my digital images to make them more pleasing and interesting. I can sit for hours tweaking photos to get the best composition and color adjustments, etc.
Photography is just pure joy for me!
I LOVE it so much.
[Tulips- Highland Park- Photography by Justyn Sweany Wolf]
I recently displayed 2 of my photos in a local photography gallery juried exhibit.
["Tulips"- photographed at Highland Park, Rochester, NY, by Justyn Sweany Wolf]
Some of my collage prints are on displayed in a gallery exhibit, also.
Collage Tribute to Paul J Sweany- by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains
[Collage tribute made by me,
Justyn Sweany Wolf,
in memory of my father,
Paul J Sweany, when he passed away in 2009]
[Black and Gold Wire Wrapped Necklace Set- by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains ]
My interest in jewelry making (beading and wire wrapping) was initiated through doing jewelry repair for a dear senior citizen friend.
One thing led to another and I started acquiring beads and jewelry tools and going to bead shows and shops.
Slowly I started building up a lovely jewelry making and beading inventory of high quality materials.
Art Rains emerges from the ashes... rather from the plumbing muck!
I continued dabbling with beading until a major plumbing disaster occurred in our home in 2009. The repair of which looked like it was going to cost thousands of US dollars. That LAUNCH me into high gear producing various art to help pay for the plumbing project.
I got so busy!
I enlarged photos and matted them.
I started cranking out jewelry and making note cards.
I already had a few of my collage works printed up as giclée fine art prints.
I did so well that the in first week of January 2010, I went into "official" business and birthed "Art Rains".
Art Rains now has a wonderful variety of high quality, beautiful art pieces to offer.
I sell: fine art giclée prints of my original oil paintings and collages; high quality jewelry with my unique wire-wrapping "trademark"; photo-greeting cards (and other cards as well); and photography prints (both matted and unmatted of various sizes- also available framed).
I am looking forward to my health continuing to improve so that my productivity and creativity can increase.
Art Rains provides beautiful pieces of art to those interested in high quality art not only for browsing enjoyment, but for purchase, for collecting, and for gift giving.
Art Rains' unique quality fine arts are created with joy and passion and with the desire to give you that wonderful "feel good" sensation of having beauty and quality in one's life.
My work can be seen and purchased at this site as well as seen and purchased on my FaceBook "Art Rains" page facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ArtRains
Self Protrait in Striped Light- Photograph by Justyn Sweany Wolf- Art Rains
[Self Protrait in Striped Light- Photograph by
Justyn Sweany Wolf-
Art Rains]
I am working on getting an Etsy account going as well as getting my photos up on Flickr.
All in good time!
Please continue to check back as this page (and web site) are being developed. Additional information, features, and photos will be added.
Until I organize the shopping cart and a complete online catalog with prices, please feel free to contact me at Justyn at Art-Rains.com if you have a request or would like pricing (or even if you just want to chat or leave comments.)
Blessings of Art Raining down on all of us!
Art Rains - Justyn Sweany Wolf Justyn Lyn Sweany Wolf